Spine & Joints
A Unique approach to your bone & joints !

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement is a surgery  to restore the damaged segment of your knee and “IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE”. It makes you independent of managing your self, makes you less dependable , increases mobility and most importantly relives you of your pain and prolonged medication.


Once decided for knee replacement the most important thing is know what the surgery can do for you and its limitations which will be explained in detail during consultations. The complete pre operative ,post surgical and rehabilitation procedure will be explained in person and the things to expect and things you can perform and the don’ts’s will be explained.  After knee replacement patientshav e a dramatic improvement in their pain and overall mobility and movement. The total nee replacement only allows good range of movments for your knee but will not be able to replicate what functions you had at knee before developing arthritis.

When Surgery is warranted ?

Surgical Procedure



>   Infection

>   Skin necrosis

>   Wound Infection


>   Infection

>   Aseptic lossening

>   Implant wear

>   Myositis

>   Implant Breakage

>   When pain and stiffness restricts your day to day activity and when conventional treatment like
      medication, physiotherapy and intra articular supplements fail .

>   When there is deformity of the knee associated with pain sometimes even at rest

>   To avoid any chances of fracture due to mechanical instability at the kee.


The most disabling problem in the knee is arthritis. The different causes why arthritis happens in knee are

>   Osteoarthritis                             >   Post traumatic arthritis                >   Post septic sequel

>   Rheumatoid Arthritis                 >   AVN

Patient is made to stand and walk according to their recovery on the same day or the next.

Muscle streghtening and stretches are started .

Special precations are taken for preventive measures of complications.

Total knee replacement actually does not mean removing a big part of your knee and replacing with mwtal prosthesis. What actually is done is only a few milli meter of the damaged cartilage and bone is removed from your thigh bone[FEMUR] and Leg bone[Tibia]and Knee cap[PATELLA] and replaced with metal prosthesis. The most important step in total knee replacement is your soft tissue balancing which has to be prciscise for better function of your knee. That’s why total knee replacement is considered more of a soft tissue procedure than bony procedure.

The basic steps are:

>   Removing of excessive new bones which restrict your knee movement and irritate your muscles and ligament

>   Precision bone cuts

>   Soft tissue balancing

>   Checking stability of joints with trial prosthesis

>   Wound wash and irrigation

>   Cementing the new metal prosthesis

>   Wound closure


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